Sunday, May 3, 2020

Creating a book a month : May stitching roll

Creating a book in April has been quite time intensive and June's will be somewhat similar, so I thought I'd try something completely different for May. I'm returning to my snippet hand roll stitching project which I introduced in March. I have made almost no progress but adore the idea. Follow this link to find out more about Anne Brooke's stitch project with tutorials on YouTube.
I'm going to follow the monthly prompts for ideas and if I need further inspiration I could try incorporating these stitched meditations from my blogging friend Nancy and Quilting Arts Magazine October/November 2019
Here's the gatherings of this project from March : 
And what I'm starting with today : 
When I have so many ideas of things to do it's useful for me to have a monthly focus for this project. Be fun to share where this takes me AND I am hoping that this means more time for play in May and sharing some different discoveries with you.
Anne has also just launched a couple of new online workshops available at reduced prices. I adore her work. 
Collage Box HERE
Stitched Collage Home HERE
Wishing you creative joy in May 


  1. I like your start- and a whole month of stitching sounds like a wonderful plan. Combining all of your inspiration into your project is sure to pay off! Thanks for the shout out and happy stitching.

    1. I don't feel very motivated at the moment but I'm sure I'll get in a flow. Great to have your support ♥


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