Sunday, February 9, 2020

Little Book of Whispers

My intention to create a book a month is off to a good start although a little delayed by the wedding quilt I made. January's book is inspired by Laly Mille's class Little Book of Whispers
I shared my initial thoughts and gatherings HERE
The pile of gatherings grew as a happy result of doing some cleaning out of my studio....
I already know the size of my cover (16.5 cm square), so began by quickly putting together 3 folios - a spread that will equal 4 pages when finished. It doesn't seem like many but I've learned from experience that books with less pages are more rewarding to create since they get finished! I will have 12 pages from 3 folios and I can always add more if I find I can't fit in everything I want to express. These are the 6 sides as they began - already with a lace flap and pocket
I'm not going to show you a step by step process. You'll have to take the class ♥  
My book has been inspired by gratitude, joy in the creative process, and affirmations related to my recent diagnosisI want these monthly book creations to be small and thought it would be most useful to take a photo with my hand for size comparison
I was very excited to be able to use many special elements in this book and some favourite and meaningful colours
Pieces of my Great Grandmother's collection of lace
Elements that were waxed in a play day many years ago 
I always love butterflies as one of my special recurring symbols in my art
Meaningful found words - you may remember that this year I am going to Shine with Intention (above)
Including stitch throughout as much as possible
Lovely tyvek beads made by Carolyn Saxby (she's announced her shop reopening Feb 2020) and gifted by a special friend
I ended up with 14 pages since I worked on my 12 double pages separately before stitching them into another folio that was then glued into the cover beneath 2 end pages 
Here's my book in detail. Click on any photo to see it larger
I tried my first flip through video. Let me know if you like this or would have liked larger photos of individual pages. 
In my first post about this monthly project I said I'm concentrating on small and gorgeous, mixed media and stitched. Intention fulfilled for January ♥


  1. This book is lovely Lynette! You do such beautiful work ♥️

    1. Thank you so much Mary. It was such a pleasure to create

  2. This is truly beautiful, Lynette! It's a very soothing book. I completely agree with you that smaller books are so much more approachable than those with lots of pages... and, as you point out, more likely to get finished.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Now waiting for inspiration to strike for February!

  3. Pure awesomeness - and what a lovely flip-through with all those wonderful bits of textiles and lace! I'm still on a sabbatical but I'm super inspired by your work! Hope you're keeping well, Lynette - you've been doing so much in the past few weeks, it's incredible! xx

    1. It is a great distraction and I am super inspired. Hoping to start treatment on Monday xo


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