Friday, December 27, 2019

Kasia's Advent Calendar : Days 15-17

I hope you've had some special time with people you love these last few days. Waving to you from New Zealand ♥
Despite getting many days behind in my December Daily, I still have time to get this journal finished before the end of the year....Here's how my book looked by end of Day 14 in my previous post.
Day 15 : Light. I decided to celebrate my boys - my beautiful family light up my life every single day. This photo was taken on my 50th birthday a couple of years ago. 
Day 16 : Where are you? An opportunity for another photo on the facing page. My studio needed a tidy up when I came out today. Before
Now : 
And I really like how the stitched ribbons tie the pages together into a unified spread
Day 17 : Shadow. Did you notice the cool shadows in the first photo I posted of some of my extended family and I on Christmas day at the beach? This prompt was about drawing from the shadow of something. I chose a lovely pink hydrangea from my garden
I tried sketching the shadow - it was hard on a light night in summer, even trying to organise a light bulb to shine over my shoulder. Set the stabilo with gel medium
I just let the page evolve from there with neocolor crayons and lovely iridescent green paint with fav stencils
It became more of a celebration of a garden than about shadows. I used my microfleur flower press again and included petals from my hydrangea (they lost colour in the drying process but are still pretty) and found the perfect decorative stitch on my sewing machine
And then I found a quote in a magazine which gave this page context as an antidote to shadow feelings that may come at this time of year through missing loved ones or receiving bad news.
I love that these prompts are leading me (sometimes unexpectedly) to capture this season in nature too. Be back tomorrow with more pages to share. Find all my posts about this project HERE or just look at the photos in my Flickr Set.


  1. Your journal came together beautifully, and a good place to celebrate your lovely family! Work spaces do have a way of getting messy quickly. Like you, I have to pause and tidy up or I get stuck.

    1. Merry Merry to you and your family Nancy. I have a couple more posts to go - 24 prompts in total. Can't wait to share the finished journal and what I do to the cover

  2. What a fun family photo, Lynette, and some beautiful completed pages. I've got four more to go - hopefully will be able to finish this side of 2019! Hope you had a great Christmas with your family - now gearing up for the New Year!

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa. I have been having a wonderful time catching up and will finish too I think. Look forward to seeing yours. I always love your work. Happy New Year ♥


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