Sunday, December 29, 2019

Kasia's Advent Calendar : Days 18-21

Sharing 4 prompts today from my 2019 December Daily project. I will definitely finish this project before the end of the year. There are 24 prompts in all.
Day 18 : No One is watching. My favourite things are getting creative in my studio, and being at the beach. If I had a day to myself, I would spend it doing both of those things and singing to my favourite music. 
Day 19 : Tie loose ends. I'd deliberately gone over the centre fold to unite this spread again. The sari ribbon at the bottom will be stitched down on the new page. 
I decided to tie up loose ends by using up some of the scraps from other pages - bits of that spotty paper and tissue, paper doilythe teabag
Then I hand couched some lovely sari thread that I'd been gifted a long time ago. Use the good stuff ♥
This is how the double spread looks
My chosen colours of pink and green make me so happy. And I am very pleased that I have enough paper left to make full spreads for the rest of the prompts if that's what moves me.
Day 20 : Sounds. Outside my window : Tui and other birdsong, a lawnmower, and always music playing at my house...this is obviously going to be a garden page again ♥ 
Happy to find the pink butterfly sticker and an old stamp featuring a Tui
Day 21 : Gifts. I have challenges ahead at the beginning of 2020 but I know that it will be okay because of the wonderful people I have in my life. I am also lucky to have been gifted with creativity, an open heart, and an optimistic outlook. Background - took a progress shot cos love the interplay of spots - washi tape, tissue, stencil 
Stars punched from gelli printed paper. Found words from a large print dictionary
That leaves just 3 prompts and the cover. Share with you again soon. Find all my posts about this project HERE or just look at the photos in my Flickr Set.

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