Monday, December 23, 2019

Kasia's Advent Calendar : Days 12-14

This project is inspired by prompts from Kasia's online project (sorry no longer available for sign up). Here's how my December Daily journal looked by end of Day 11.
I'm creating on individual pages and then gluing them into my book cover. 
Day 12 : Moon. I created this page on 22nd December so instead of the Full Moon of the 12th, I'm celebrating Summer Solstice. There's still a moon
but it's most definitely more about the sun and the cycle of seasons
Day 13 : Yes. Decided I'd do some prompts on single pages to switch things up. I've been working on a full spread which is 9" x 6.5" so now I'm challenging myself with only 4.5" x 6.5". Working small is hard for me. This prompt is about whimsy - saying yes to pink stars, pink reindeer, yes to mixing paper and stitch
Yes to embracing Pink ♥ 
And although I don't know what Day 14 is going to be, I just felt I wanted to add that green doily to start the next page...
Day 14 : Random words. I LOVE using found words in my projects and have some lovely large print romance and saga novels that always turn up great words serendipitously for my projects. I decided to close my eyes and tear a page randomly for this prompt. This turned out to contain a message of great personal meaning 
It's obvious that my cover is not going to fit around all my pages by the end....just as well I have a plan for this.
Find all my posts about this project HERE or just look at the photos in my Flickr Set.

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