Sunday, November 3, 2019

October review and looking ahead....

Apart from creating art in October we had 2 wonderful weeks of school holidays and now we are getting stuck into the business end of the school year. It's finally warming up and I'm loving the change of wardrobe.
Teaching - We are almost at the end of our quilt project at school. It's been a learning curve for them and for me - supporting 15 children for this project requires a lot of extra work behind the scenes at my house....layering with batting and backing
and attaching bindings by machine ready for hand sewing to the back
but I've got some lovely helpers for our hour-long sessions with the students and everyone is really enjoying the learning together
I'll share again when the completed quilts are delivered to the birthing unit for whom we've been focusing this community project.
I'm also going to be teaching one more art journal class towards the end of November so am looking forward to that. 
We're going to do a class where we combine all they've learned this year to create a journal page from start to 'finish'. Not sure how far we'll get but it will be fun. 
I took my own advice last month about finding time to create, and have been thrilled that my #arteveryday practice of doing a little and often, listening to my instincts of what I feel like I want to add next rather than following a particular online lesson plan, has led to original art that I am loving
I've been writing in my Inner work journal more often again and being reminded of the value of getting things out of my head and working through issues instead of them just circling in my brain.
I'm all set up for November and Roben-Marie Smith posted this on her Instagram which is my focus for the coming month : 
This is my record of what I was reading and watching
Loving all the watching - many different genres! - and I had really good reading this past month too. NZ finished with a Bronze at the Rugby World Cup - great to see them get back their mojo in their last game. And WOW was wonderful - my husband and I had a fabulous weekend away together with a great show, lovely accommodation, yummy food and excellent shopping! 
Looking ahead to next month, it's time to start make decisions about online classes for next year, especially if you want early bird specials. The big collaboratives are all advertising....I'm thinking about my more limited time and developing my own style so I'm committing to less online next year. At the moment I'm definitely doing BOD 2020 - follow that link for all the info including a PDF with FREE samples from this year's content and next year's teachers
I LOVE this year's BOD - this is a preview of our offerings for the coming month with Effy, Shelley Rydellie, and Rachel Harries : 
I'm thinking hard about whether Let's Face It 2020 would be a good choice for me? 
Anyone have a comment about that one to help me out in my decision? Given the above feelings I have about my most recent pages of original art (ie. finding my own voice) I'm just not sure. The very early bird pricing ends November 30th.... 
I'm limiting joining classes online since I am also wanting to go back to a daily journal practice maybe similar to my Daily journaling practice in 2017 
which arose from my larger Documented Life in 2015 
or my 2020 process may look completely different....The group I joined in 2017 is still going, so if you want a practice you could check out the FB group or their website which continues to offer weekly prompts. You can start today and scroll back through to 2017. 
Sun shining here and it feels like Summer is on its way. Looking forward to continuing my creative practice amongst the busy of School Term 4. Happy November ♥


  1. How did I miss this post? I think we were away for some time and it just slipped by me. Oh wonderful, the quilts are nearing the finish line. I am as big a fan of online classes as you are. I signed up for Sketchbook Skool which begins in another week or so. And a class by Crafty Gemini called "bag school"- sewing bags and totes. I can see why the portrait class appeals to you- you've been growing in your skills with faces.

    1. I'm excited to see the student quilts finished. I'm also keen to stitch more in 2020....not sure what that will look like yet!

  2. You've been super creative in October - and throughout the entire year, really. It's very nice seeing those school girls tuck into their sewing projects and they have a great teacher in you! Whether you should sign up for Let's Face It - it's a tricky question and one that only you can decide - I could persuade you either way LOL! I think on the one hand these classes are great for extending your horizons and getting inspiration - on the other hand, for someone like you with their own established "style" it can be self-limiting. But of course you can always take the inspiration and interpret it your way. Speaking for myself, I have too many things going on already - and so much free inspiration on YT - that I couldn't handle the demands of a long online course and I know I would just end up wasting my money - which I could spend on buying more art supplies! Having said that, it's nice to be part of a community and see how other people interpret the lessons - I always learn as much from other people as I do from the teacher. If you can commit yourself, then by all means, it's worth taking part. It's funny how you're talking about warmer weather while we're going into winter! It's almost dark by 4 o'clock- back in the summer that used to be the hottest part of the day! I like it though! I like it either way LOL - as long as it's not too extreme. Here's to a creative November! xx

    1. Yes I think you've nailed it with some courses being "self-limiting" and I really want to go back to some kind of daily/weekly journaling and much more stitch. Happy weekend :-)


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