Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fanciful landscape

This art journal spread was all about experimentation and play. I bought some watercolour absorbent ground (a Goldens product) a while ago and decided it was time to try it out in my journal. It goes on white - obviously I had cleaned off some pink from my previous page on this!
Then it was time to add watercolours - I really like that I tried flicking the wet brush to make lovely watery splatter effects. If you click on the photo to see it larger you can see it's not really a true watercolour effect, but it does mean I can mix my media so that's an advantage when I'm wanting a softer background on old book paper.
It seemed obvious that this should be an underwater scene and after looking at a lovely mermaid book from the library for inspiration, I found my mermaids...
I sketched them in with stabilo all pencil = a word of CAUTION : If you've used the absorbant ground, this seems to hold onto the stabilo and I lost the ability to erase with a wet wipe so easily....added some pink acrylic so I can fix her face shape
White pen seemed the best to add next along with a sea horse
My go-to technique next - adding stencils. Iridescent paint seemed the logical choice for mermaid sparkles and magical sea plants
Almost there
Found words required
A little more watercolour wash to make the sea more blue and I'm happy to call it done. 
Pure play and not my usual, so a fun addition to my art journal. You might remember I began the year in this recycled book  
and I'm really happy seeing the transformation
This spread takes me to exactly half way through my journal - 21 spreads so far. 
See all the art in here in my Flickr album or through my blog posts HERE


  1. Amazing how that old book is holding up!

    1. Yes I am thrilled. I took about half the pages out to start and use masking tape often in the seam line but they are really thick and lovely to work on. I love the text showing through

  2. Loving your mermaids and your whole book! Makes me want to get mine out, but I've been sidetracked! I've always wanted to try the watercolour ground - good to see that it works!

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa - they are a bit of a departure from my usual but lovely to have a page of whimsy ♥


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