Monday, March 18, 2019

Love is stronger than hate

I spent the weekend distressed and heart sore from the terrible terrorist attack on the mosques in Christchurch. On Saturday I felt paralysed, helpless, unable to art. And then I remembered a lesson from Effy Wild from November 2016 - #artistsforlove. My original version of that lesson is HERE and on Sunday it gave me comfort to create (art heals) and ease to be able to use that lesson as my inspiration starting point for the spread which follows. 
I began with colours : blue, green, gold. Blue for loyalty, strength, wisdom, trust and calm, the throat chakra for expression of truth. Green for life, renewal, nature, harmony, the heart chakra (integration, compassion) and our beautiful New Zealand. Gold for the preciousness of life, illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and wisdom.
I then gathered meaningful stencils and printed this quote which has been uppermost in my mind
Next to outline my figure and my hand of love 
then base layers of colour 
- after these initial layers on the face I use clear gesso then blended pencils and more paint (see that link from Effy above for more of that kind of technique). I love my new NZ flower stencils and happy with the effect of them here
Pohutukawa above and Kowhai below
Then to add the quote
I really felt like this spread helped me process some of my feelings


  1. Heartfelt post- the anthem's words are poweful

  2. What a beautiful, emotional post, Lynette - with stunning illustration. I always think of you when I hear about New Zealand - it's just bad that it was on such a sad occasion this time around. That quote is very thought-provoking and inspirational and perfect for your page. xx

  3. Thanks Zsuzsa - it's been a very emotional time for all of us here.


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