Thursday, March 14, 2019

Magazine Makeovers with Alisa Burke

It's Alisa Burke's birthday so this week all her online classes are on sale - including this new realease
With such a good price on the class (US$20),I had no choice but to sign up! I am never disappointed by her class content and I believe in supporting the teachers I love if that's financially possible for me. I was already inspired by her magazine face makovers last year and created my own for a while without instruction....These are my BC (before class 😉) efforts
Class started this week and is made of 3 large lessons (we get the next 2 over the next fortnight). Initially she talked about using pens and lettering without paint so I decided to take a face and see what I could make of it : 
So many lovely lines and spaces - I used a black sharpie and white uniball signo marker to play around with my own lettering and memories of our Summer holiday in Hawaii. We are approaching Autumn in New Zealand, I want to hold these memories close.
Such a fun process and I can't wait to see what I learn next ♥


  1. I signed up, too! Love your before efforts of course, and this first class project looks just wonderful, too. Alisa is a good teacher, and the first lesson is chock full. Had been wanting to do this, so this is just the boost I needed. Will be watching as you progress through the stages.

  2. Yay - I hope to see what you explore too. She is one of my favourite inspirations. Happy weekend ♥


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