Thursday, November 8, 2018

BOD : Be Here Now

We've been supporting my youngest with study help for exams this week. Sunday seemed to be particularly anxious and I needed to start making some art that was grounding and meditative. I felt like I wanted to be guided by a lesson, and this recent Book of Days offering was perfect. 
I had purchased a roll of graphite transfer paper from Office Max last week, so was pleased to use this supply immediately.
The week didn't get any easier as the days went on and I had some challenges of my own to face, so I chose colours of the Chakra to help centre me : Violet = oneness and spirituality : Indigo/Blue = soothing the soul, opens consciousness : Green = healing, balance, tranquility and serenity (needed a lot of that!)
Not worried that it looks quite messy at this point cos I know there are going to be pen and stencil additions....
Some would stop there, but I don't like those words by the added another stencil border while I considered what to do.
Mostly I enjoy the text in the background of my altered art journal, but not here. I was thinking about some botanical stencils, but then I thought of these serviettes
Needed the serviettes to become more part of the background, so added a green-gold glaze and used it for a border detail along the top. This is the finished page
Others in the class were able to keep theirs clearer - simpler, but I had to do what felt right for me with the page challenges. Done is better than perfect....Done is being here now....Done is loving the process ♥
I'm so glad I've given myself the #arteveryday challenge for November. It's really got me thinking about what small thing I can do every day to progress my art practice and this is the third piece of art I've finished this week because of it!
Get the links to all Effy's offerings for 2019 HERE (including Book of Days 2019), and check out the info about how to save by purchasing Early Bird bundles HERE.

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