Monday, November 5, 2018

Recycled doodle journals 4

Progress at last in my recycled doodle journals. I LOVE every time I work in these but was frustrated that I couldn't make it a regular habit until I challenged myself to #arteveryday. Shared the beginnings of this one HERE
More progress
Finally finished : 
I liked the meditative process of this piece but when I finished I thought I might need more different shapes/marks with colour and to maybe think about a focal in my next page? But on looking with fresh eyes a day later I quite like it so we'll see how the facing page develops. 
In my magazine faces journal : 
What if I painted and then scrubbed through a stencil with a wet wipe while the paint was still wet and moved the paint down through the stencil at the bottom of the page?
Now she looks like she has a cloak on - perhaps it's cos I'm watching season 6 of "Game of Thrones" she reminds me of Sansa Stark. Anyway - the stone shapes and cold grey support that, and the doodled images followed
Loving the effects on this one. Couldn't decide on what else was needed on the cloak so started building a floral mandala over her shoulder
The leaves finished her ♥
It's only been a few days but my #arteveryday challenge has certainly worked to motivate me during a busy weekend. Sharing daily photos of the challenge on my FB Artist page and InstagramSee all my recycled doodle journal art HERE.


  1. I love the cloak and the stenciling. What a fun journal this one is. Do you clear gesso over the picture before painting, or paint right on the slick paper? Your pens sure work hard- you must go through quite a few of them! Lovely work

  2. I have purposely chosen matte paper for the faces so far. For the other journal that I completely cover in paint, I learned the hard way that I have to completely gesso on the shiny pages (I have used white so far but think that black will be a fun base too) or the coverage is next to useless unless I use heavy-body paint and I have limited colours in those. Good excuse for more supplies maybe?.....

  3. You've been so busy and creative since I last visited! I won't be able to comment on each and every project, but I'm looking at them all and I want you to know that I feel very inspired by them and can't wait to get my fingers inky again! xx

  4. Thanks Zsuzsa - so glad you are feeling inspired. Can't wait to see what you create next


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