Saturday, November 10, 2018

#arteveryday : week 1

When I shared my November musings, I declared I was going to try and ART EVERY DAY➽ this doesn't mean completing a full art journal page, just doing something - the micromovements idea - getting into the habit of DOING instead of looking online. I decided that aiming to take one photo a day to share would be motivating - and it worked! Here's my summary of the week.
Day 1 : Saturday 3rd November. Finished page on the right, at last got some doodles on that cloaked girl
Sunday : Started a new page in altered art journal, finished the doodled girl, made a Christmas ornament sample for craft club at school
Monday : added some paint to the journal page and then used up the leftovers in the recycled doodle journals
Tuesday - added paint, some stencils and pen work - very happy with progress
Wednesday - finished the journal page : Be Here Now
Thursday - began another journal spread and added leftover paint to recycled magazine face
Day 7 : Friday 9th November - got my stencil groove on.
Thrilled to say that despite a week that was testing both physically and mentally, the motivation of wanting to have something to photograph every day worked a treat. It made me much more aware of when I was thinking I was just going to sit in front of a screen that the time was better spent doing some art ♥ It's the awareness that I need to jolt me into better arting habits. And isn't it cool to see how quickly things progress though the daily effort doesn't seem that big?
Started the week sharing daily on my FB Artist page and Instagram but I've decided I'll just take the daily photos to share here for next week's round-up and only post finished projects in those other places. Look forward to sharing my daily process again next Saturday. And since it's the weekend, I'm pretty sure you won't have to wait long to see how that last journal spread turns out. Happy creative weekend to you


  1. A colorful and productive week! I love the girl with the giant flower. Did you add that, or was she already wearing it in the photo? All fun.

  2. Thanks Nancy - I am thrilled with my art progress and looking forward to a continued colourful journey through the coming week. The girl had the flower on her head already - I will be making a few additions to keep it a feature.


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