Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Welcoming May

Thought I'd start the month with a looking back and looking forward post. I did one at the beginning of April and it was useful to get my head around plans and set a direction. Not everything quite went to plan though...I was feeling called to rest and really attend to self-care. I had a lovely Easter, but then had enforced rest for the school holidays that followed when I got very sick. Incredibly, despite my sickness, I can tick every item on my list of intentions! I DID do lots more journaling in my Inner Work Journal - it now looks like this : 
and includes my usual monthly review of what I read and watched (heavy on the watching this month cos of the illness)
Note that I never finish anything I'm not enjoying (although "The Bluest Eye" is a confronting read) and I really liked everything I watched. We are new to "Doctor Who" so are trying it out by watching some episodes as recommended HERE
I wanted to stitch more and as a result began my #100daysofstitch project. Click that link to read all about it. I've already completed a couple of projects 
I'm quarter of the way through the challenge and doing weekly updates every Thursday. I had a break from #52stamps in April, and I now don't think I'll return until my stitch challenge is done (due to finish sometime in July, unless I decide that 50 days is enough to re-establish my stitching habit!). I am feeling really good about being in control of the projects instead of feeling like they are driving my practice.
These are my creative intentions for May :
  • to continue my stitch challenge
  • Looking forward to a couple of days out : Tote & Gloat annual quilt show and a creative play day with friends 
  • continuing to do daily journaling in my Inner Work Journal
  • BOD is back after April's hiatus and I would really like to challenge myself to complete the weekly lessons plus catch up on a few I've missed
  • and of course it would be great if I could make some other art from the many classes I'm signed up for!!
And in the interests of being realistic - trying to get my head around the busy that I'm already committed to, and sharing "All of Me" - this also has to happen :
  • watching my boys play basketball (and get them to their practices - 2 boys, 4 teams between them - this is a commitment ♥)
  • I'm back at work and taking weekly lunchtime craft club again this term - we are making neonatal quilts so will share the results of that - AND it's book week in Week 4 (time to dress up again)
  • I am looking forward to improving my focus on health this month, supported by this journal which I made the altered cover for in April.
That all feels like you need to wish me luck! 
What are your creative intentions for May? If you are looking for some new online classes, these are my current temptations! 
I ♥ Laura Horn's art and am interested in how she combines watercolour with other media. This is her first online class. Starts 1st May. 
I have always been interested in the concept of Tam's "Ever After" class. This is the third year - it's a collaborative course (many fab teachers) and has a Fairytale theme AND focus on how to develop your own style. 
Read all about this year's offering HERE. There's currently a blog hop with giveaway opportunities going on - details HERE. Registrations open May 15th and class begins July 1st. 
And just one more :"The Art of Sisterhood - rise above, shine your light"
Read all about it HERE. Another collaborative - and I love the subtitle since it includes my word of the year SHINE ♥ Class opens May 7th.
Hope something there to inspire you. Talk to you soon. 


  1. You get so much done, in so many creative areas! Plus raising a family- I admire you for all of that. I'm with you in thinking that online classes are just the best! I've signed up for many, and they have taught me so much. Merry May- and hope all your goals are met in the very best ways.

  2. It's a busy life alright but I love it - I am very organised and believe that at least if I have some goals I have a chance of achieving some. You've got to love what you do right? ♥
    Happy May to you - enjoy that new kitten

  3. What a nice idea for a blog post to look forward and back - so you can clearly see your path! You've been super creative so far this year with so many inspiring projects. I think I'm in love with your Inner Work Journal!

  4. I ♥ my inner work journal so much


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