Thursday, May 3, 2018

#100daysofstitch : Week 4

I decided to join #The100DayProject and my focus is #100daysofstitch. 
This week I haven't spent as much time on stitching since we had a couple of days in Wellington watching our eldest in his pre-season basketball tournament {which they won}. It's all good though, cos I'm still stitching almost every day.
I've made some progress on my cotton reel book project - it looked like this in my post about week 3
Because I used fabric on the back, I've been able to add hand stitching which makes for more interesting textures
My friend had the great idea that I should include some of my own art printed small - so I'm doing that as well.
This week I had to set that project aside a couple of days for some other stitchy things : a friend loves Owls so I decided to print a piece of my art created recently and stitch a birthday card for her ♥
And I'm doing weekly lunchtime craft club sessions this term as well so I had to prepare needs lists and share inspiration - I now have 8 enthusiastic students who want to learn how to make small quilts with me
Hopefully more time this next week to do some cutting and sewing on my poppy quilt. These posts are good to remind me where I'm making progress, and why some things aren't happening as quickly as I think they should! 
I'm sharing photos of this project every few days on my instagram account with a weekly summary here on the blog. 

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