Thursday, April 26, 2018

#100daysofstitch : Week 3

I decided to join #The100DayProject and my focus is #100daysofstitch. As I completed Week 2, I was almost finished my Sue Spargo-inspired piece, and I decided to try a decorative stitch (rosette chain) around the wings of my green butterfly
I really enjoy the juxtaposition of the soft felt and hand stitching with the hard beads and harder line of the rayon machine stitching. When I was thinking about whether this might be included in a fabric book at some stage, I decided that I needed to square up this piece before I can call it complete
I just machine zigzagged another piece of felt to the left using the same yellow rayon I've used elsewhere on this piece - it ties in beautifully colour-wise with the silk that I couched down. And at this stage I'm calling it done (Day 16/100). Depending on where I go with ideas of a book, that new piece of felt might be lost in the binding so we'll see if I need added embellishment in that section. Several years ago, I hand-felted this piece which may turn out to be a book cover one day
My direction moving forward is to include stitch wherever I can : 
1. Mixed media projects where I am using my hand stitching as an embellishment in combination with my machine
2. Quilts
3. I love using my machine with paper so I want to add stitch to art journal projects in various ways.
Day 17/100 I turned {back} to the wonderful online Stitch*Bookery class with Mary Ann Moss (currently on special : $20 off until 1st of May) This is just first and most recent day of this project, I'll give full details in a separate blog post once complete. I began with gatherings
Yesterday (day 22/100) the project looked like this (please click on the photo to see the lovely details) : 
I've decided to mix some fabric details with the paper ♥
This morning, I've done some gatherings for another project which I'll hopefully be able to share progress on in my report on Week 4....
I'm sharing every few days on my instagram account (daily became too much of a tie) with a weekly summary here on the blog. This challenge is really working in bringing stitch back into my {almost}-daily creative practice ♥


  1. Your idea of a book from these pieces is a wonderful one. I like your hand-felted piece as cover, too. The Mary Ann class certainly has sparked some terrific projects- your small accorion is lovely.

  2. I'm in awe of your stitching skills, Lynette - and your patience! Those stitched butterflies are beyond anything I could ever aspire to - truly wonderful and a joy to look at!

  3. Thanks Nancy - have just had a weekend of watching my eldest play basketball. Such fun but no time in the studio. My friend had a brilliant idea to print off some of my own art to add to the accordian so that's my next fun step

  4. You are so very kind, Zsuzsa. I did enjoy this project and makes me very happy to look at it finished :-)


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