Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Moonshine : You are the storm

Effy Wild is blogging every day this month and on Day 4 she shared the PDF which she wrote for us for Moonshine for April. If you've been curious about the kinds of things I'm learning about in this class, take a look HERE. You can dig in deep, or you can just make pretty art. The art she shares in that post was one of her full moon paintings and was the visual for the writing prompt for Journal 52 Week 13 "Embodied". 
This lesson inspired my art below. As part of SHINE, it's about time I concentrated on the H : HEALTHY : Good eating + Gym habit = Energised * Be mindful * Rest
I think I'll have most success if I create a journal for my journey which also supports :
INNER WORK : Self-care and self-compassion * Affirmations * Explore intuition and inner wisdom via Tarot and Oracle cards * Build inner strength/belief in myself through written journaling.
So first off, I found an old ring binder to alter and covered it with gesso (scraped on with an old credit card). 
I love the red peeking through since one of my favourite colour combos is Turquoise and Red - not sure how much will still be there once I've done my base layer. Let's see
Stencil layers make me so very happy ♥ Note, however, that you can create something unexpected - my initial attempt at this lesson turned into Quirky Owls! Added some more red and my figure (remember you can click on any photo to see it larger)
More work on the figure - I used a baby wipe to remove some of that red so I could see more of the background. In a happy accident, as I tried to draw her breast line in, the pen removed the layers of paint to reveal the red folder colour beneath. I went with it and scratched the lines instead with the blunt end of a pencil.
And although I love Effy's version, I'm leaving my background in it's grungy, stenciled state = looks more like me I think. Especially once I added some stars for Shine. This symbol is so powerful for me.
This is now my healthy work journal. 
I like the ring binder format so I can organise my thoughts and move things around as different areas become more useful. But mostly, I now love my artful body cover and I can feel the winds of change lifting me ♥
You can sign up for this and other classes by Effy Wild HERE. See my Flickr album of all art work inspired by Effy's classes HERE. Also note Journal 52 currently available on special for $20 for the year until end of April (link includes her writing of a prompt for Journal 52 which ties in with the Moonshine free PDF) or on Effy's Patreon account from $5 per month. 

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