Thursday, October 12, 2017


Second week of school holidays...I wish I could share more creativity but I decided there were some things I had to make myself do this week before I was allowed to be rewarded with fun creative pursuits! I've done necessary but boring things like cleaning the oven and the fridge, and a family member asked me to quilt a top as a favour to a friend of hers. I said yes without seeing the quilt and then regretted it. Not my style or colours at all and I was a bit stumped to know what to do. 
In the end I decided on simple loops - grey on top and pale apricot in the bobbin to match the backing fabric.
Thank goodness it's now checked off my "to do" list and I'm free to do something that makes me really happy...
More soon ♥ 


  1. Lovely collages and I'm sorry you had to do something you didn't enjoy doing. I really don't think people should be asking for favours - I never do - and if someone asks me for a favour I just make up an excuse. Does that make me a bad person LOL? Time is precious and it should be you who decides what to do with it.

  2. Thanks - it was awkward but I'm not doing that ever again! It's not bad to say no and keep boundaries 😊


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