Saturday, October 7, 2017

Daily Journaling Weeks 39 and 40

Hello - it seems a long time since I shared you. It's October! I'm so sad I haven't had time to blog, but I've had another very busy fortnight. I contemplated just one spread for Weeks 39 and 40 combined, then realised that I am a spread short in my journal for 52 weeks, so I've added a flap instead which gets me more room and also combines weeks.
I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 39 : Add splatters and drips and Week 40 : Paint or colour with 3 colours you never use.
And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 Week 39 : 
Prompt : Use distress inks to make your journal page background and add pockets to represent what makes you happy.  
Week 40 : Prompt:  To use something from nature to create a spread that represents the changing of the coming season.
Week 39 was the last week of September and our last week of term at school - I am in the midst of a library refurbishment so had to pack up EVERYTHING before I left on Friday....
As well as that, our school (my work) did a wearable art show that week. I helped with some of the costumes and was WOWed on performance night. Saturday it was time to set up for our eldest son's National basketball competition as part of the top team representing Boys' High. They played really well and it was a wonderful week of watching games, cooking, serving up team meals and generally supporting the team
In the end they finished 5th in the competition but only lost 1 game! A bit further down than they hoped, but some great live basketball for us to enjoy. I decided to begin the spread by using distress inks to make the background
I used 3 colours I never use (rarely together anyway) and a lovely floral stencil to represent the changing of the coming season : in NZ we are in Spring ♥
Simple documentation was as much as I could manage for the rest - photos, some pretty tape, some doodling, and some bits of paper serviettes. I didn't use any pockets, but this captures all the things of the fortnight that made me happy.
On the outside of the flap I did some drips from the top of the page (it's been raining a lot!) and some splatters of gold - because ♥ messy "SHINE"
Then I gathered some found words (large print book) to reflect my feelings of today related to the first week of October and the National tournament....
Here's the completed spread flap closed
Onward into the rest of October. I hope we all find more time to be creative this month.
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.


  1. Super cool spread and I love the poem! I admire you to stick with your journalling schedule - it's a big commitment to do something every week, but the finished journal at the end of the year will be so worth it!

  2. Almost end of school hols for us - I have a few other projects I'd like to do including keeping on with my life documented. My creative ideas are different for next year though. Watch this space!


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