Wednesday, September 27, 2017

One Little Word : September - rest, pace and joy

I'm taking Ali Edwards' One Little Word OLW workshop. The monthly prompts encourage you to connect with your word throughout the year and I've been enjoying how SHINE is developing in 2017. This month we are looking at our word in relation to the three words of Rest, Pace and Joy = paying attention
It's been the perfect mix of things for me to consider this month. Although I've still had my share of stresses/overload this month, I feel like I'm coping better than I did in August. Progress not perfection right?
At the beginning of September I did a post called Spring means a fresh startSpring's a time to take stock, spring clean the house, sort out the garden... It's also a time filled with the promise of light and warmth and longer blissful days. Reading back over that post, 2 main points stand out : 
In amongst all the looking forward, I want to BE PRESENT to what is in front of me right now. 
Don't do something because you should - do something because you love it.
Both of those sentiments have stayed with me this month, and are reflected in how I've filled my cards. I decided that I would keep this simple - the important thing is reflect on what I'm doing, not that it's beautifully presented...but I do love the calendar backgrounds that I used for printing my cards ♥
I laid down a lovely scrapbook paper to make my cards the feature - didn't have pieces wide enough for each page so was able to add some more pretty paper and fabric tape on the respective edges. I wrote on the cards as though talking to myself, responding to the prompts as though they are questions eg. what does Joy mean to you right now?
I really loved adding white stamping and pen work to the pink background of this journal spread earlier this month - on topic :-)
so decided to add some simple stamping and doodling with a white pen to this spread as well
I'm doing so much better at keeping up with the prompts this year than I did in 2016, which means my word is consistently present in my days. As I did last month, I thought about how this prompt linked directly to my word. I have a word that relates to each letter of SHINE : 
Share = blogging here about the prompts and sharing in the FB group
Health = REST
Inner work = consideration of all that these prompts mean to me, and what they can add to my understanding of myself and continuing personal growth.
Notice = PACE
Enjoy = JOY
Here's my completed spread for September : 
See all my posts about OLW 2017 HERE, and my Flickr album which includes any art featuring my word as well as the class prompts HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspirational! So true about doing something because it gives you joy rather than because you think you should! I'm so disconnected with my word this year that I can't even remember what it is. I should probably choose a different one for the rest of the year - one that I can connect with. Love what you did with the cards and the meaningful lists on them!


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