Sunday, October 15, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 41

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 41 : Polka Dots
And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : 
Theme: A look at life through pictures (drawn or photos)
Prompt: Use a tag some way on your page
Technique: Finger paint

I began by looking through my stash for possible tags and found this from some jeans which had colours I love and circles to start
Inspired with the Polka Dot theme I used bubble wrap on my gelli plate to create the initial background, and then added some more gelli plate printing with my small circle plate 
The other smaller tag had red on it, and I decided to add it as a collage element to my spread below. Grunging it up with some stamping and mark making with black and white, a cork, and fingers
I like the energy of this look, so rather than add a whole lot more (as is my tendency!) I decided to let this fairly simple spread stand pretty much like this. Just needed to attach the large tag as a flap, a little more finger painting with bright blue 
and added some found words 
Done ♥
Last day of our school holidays - back to work tomorrow. The weather has been disappointing to say the least (very very wet) but promised better yesterday so we were off on a road trip. We went to Wellington and visited the Zoo. It was a fun day and when I look at these photos in the future I'll immediately remember the new car, the lovely blue sky, and the happy family outing we shared.
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.

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