Thursday, July 27, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 30

Trying to get myself back into getting these weekly journal prompts done by the middle{ish} of the correct week! I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 30 : Add receipts, labels, business cards - smash books style!
And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : Theme: The road less traveled-traveling through life
Technique: Multiple Layering
Prompt: Add colorful strips of paper to your layout
Quote: "Every time I stand before a beautiful beach, its waves seem to whisper to me: If you choose the simple things and find joy in nature’s simple treasures, life and living need not be so hard". Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
Remember - prompts are jumping off points to help you make a page. You DO NOT have to follow them to the letter. I ended up going an unexpected way and didn't use the 2014 prompt about smash book style at all, nor the quote. Started by layering with various paints/sprays - my last few spreads have been very turquoise so trying to get away from that colouring
When I did the prompts for Week 21, I used a print of my Autumn Splendour face. I had also printed another background page when I did the spread for Weeks 24-25. I pulled the leftovers of both of these out thinking I could cut colourful strips of paper from my own art for use here. 
And then I saw the face and my brain started to work.... 
What if I created different flowers for her hair? Another way to layer is to add collage, so I decided to look through some old calendars I've saved and found this - "Glittered on every page" = SHINE
I chose this lovely 
and cut out the flowers and hair and did some different arrangements around my face
It was sooo much fun. Part of traveling through life is how you change and develop new practices. I have been doing a lot more writing in my Inner Work journal lately, and feel like this Daily journal is going to evolve into more art and less words as a consequence. I am quite happy for that to happen since I am capturing my days elsewhere. 
Here's that collage glued on the background with colourful strips from the other piece of art also added
They aren't quite the right colour of course - easily remedied with a glaze layer
Time to fulfil the multiple layering prompt by adding acrylic paint through various stencils on top of the strips and layers below
My face needed a bit of tending too for colour correction
I finished reading this book this past week 
I loved it and had to include a great quote from it to complete my spread "Imagine what could happen if we all had the heart to be who we truly are". Click on the photo to see it larger.
Hoping you get some lovely creative time this week. You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.


  1. I love this especially because you stretched to use other colours.

    Hey can I pick your brains. We are making Art dolls next month in the Women's Support Group I facilitate. Friends and I are making up simple calico doll forms that are already stuffed. What can I use to thin down acrylic paint?

    I made a test doll at home last weekend and loved the colours but it was darn hard to force the needle through (I used jewellery pliers!)
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Re the acrylic glazes, I wondered whether if I bought some glazing mix whether that would thin the paint down while still leaving some good colour.

  2. Hi Sue - I reckon you could try glazing medium if you already have some cos it will do just as you say (thinner without compromising colour) but I'm thinking that if you're going to buy something go for a textile medium. Then it makes it permanent on fabric and might make the handling of it nicer?
    Have fun 😊 L


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