Saturday, July 29, 2017

Star Book class fun

A happy Saturday - taught my Star book class again today to a group of 9 creative and enthusiastic women. Always love to see the different interpretations people make. Here's my bin of goodies - I always share lots of supplies
I talked for a while - this is my demo table....
Then they quickly got stuck into creative deliciousness ;-)
Our youngest participant is 8 years old and loves unicorns ♥
Her book was on a larger scale than the rest and turned out beautifully
These are some other gorgeous examples of books finished on the day - I always end a day of teaching this class feeling inspired to make another myself!

And these are all well on the way with promises to email me when they are completed
So rewarding to share the joy of this project with others. I hope you are fitting some creative joy into your weekend as well.


  1. These are lovely. I had a lovely sewing bee with friends on Sunday making up basic art doll forms for work this week.

    We are organising a weekend Polymer clay beginners workshop where we will learn basic caning and button and bead making. It will be at Raumati Beach at an art space. If you are interested let me know. I have a tutor lined up and we haven't set a date yet.

  2. Play Days are so much fun. Have fun with the Polymer Clay making and thanks for inviting me. Buttons I've made in a previous play day will be appearing as part of my next mixed media box project - hopefully finished soon.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.