Sunday, July 23, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 29

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 29 : Make a wish list - images from a magazine or draw your own pictures
And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : Theme: The road less traveled-traveling through life
Technique: Use up your excess acrylic paint with the best tool you own... your fingers!
Quote: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." Neale Donald
Another member of our FB group shared her page about Paris, and it inspired me to do a page with Italy as my focal because my biggest wish is to visit Italy one day. We're in dream time at this stage....
First some suitable gatherings. My wish images are paper serviettes and a map torn from an old book. Then I started adding acrylic paint - I wanted it soft and warm as I imagine the colours of Italy to be at this time of year so mixed just a drop of colour into gesso. You can see I dragged the excess paint over onto my collage page. I like the grungy imperfect look
This is my page with my journaling space - we have had stormy weather here at home so I used lovely lemon and orange for the imagined warmth of Italy, tile patterning for the architecture, and gorgeous blue for the sea.
Here you can see the excess acrylic paint used across on the collaged page for edging and amongst my lovely found words.
Some touches of gold because dreams always have a glow of perfection ;-)
Love the effect of the serviettes blending into the background. Here's my spread ready for the week's journaling. 
Back to school and normal routines tomorrow. 
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.


  1. Love love love this spread! We went to Rome, Venice and Florence on our trip. The best places were Florence and Venice. Rome was amazing but there is a strangeness to the feel as if they don't really like the tourists but put up with them. Also a lot of theft. I just didn't feel as comfortable there as the other two places. I so hope you get to go.

  2. Thanks Suz - I will do my best - it's near the top of my bucket list....when the kids leave home!


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