Saturday, July 22, 2017

Creative happenings in progress around here

A creative update as we come to the end of our winter school holidays. I've ticked LOTS off my holiday creative to-do list, but bit frustrated cos I can't share everything with you yet. Here's what I can share : 
Love this glazed background - a BOD lesson in progress
Finished a gift  
: this will be delivered end of July so full reveal then.
I am making progress on my Hydrangea petals
I was invited to be guest speaker at Levin Embroiderer's group on Wednesday night and shared some of my mixed media stitch projects.
Had a fun collage box play day yesterday - this is where I got to.
It's a wet weekend here so hopefully more to share on this soon....but I also have to get organised for teaching again next Saturday 29th July - Star Book class at a local quilt shop
and I've been asked to be a guest artist for Life Documented in August so need to prepare that by end of July as well. And I also NEED to make time to sort out my studio space - it's become a bit of a dumping ground!
I am very excited about this new class next month. I love Mary Ann Moss's online classes - I have taken a few in the past and she is a delightful teacher. 
Luckily for me I had some birthday money left over from June so when her latest Stitch*Bookery class became available and I realised the timing couldn't be better (it's during our second hiatus month from Book of Days) I signed up. 
You can sign up for the first LIVE session of the class until 4th August and apparently she'll be running it again later in the year. 
So obviously there's going to be lots more to share here in August! Have a happy and creative weekend.


  1. That's a lot of things to share, even if you can't show us everything! It must have been fun to be a guest speaker - it's like a massive show and tell to inspire other people! Good progress on those petals and I love the variety in your BoD background. The fabric collage box is intriguing as well -that will be a helluva tactile cube when finished, I can tell already! Nice to get a glimpse into your nessy corner - a reminder that I'm not the only one! Enjoy your weekend and the last days of school holidays. Ours is just about to begin, but not until Wednesday next week! xx

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - can't wait to do more on my collage box. Happy holidays for you. Hope they're as happy as mine have been 😊


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