Sunday, March 19, 2017

Quilts, postcards and cricket

Hello everyone - I've had an awesome weekend of sunshine, cricket, quilts, baking and a birthday party. No time to create art, but plenty of inspiration!  First up, inspired again by the wonderful show at Feilding by Kowhai Quilters : 
The location is terrific with the quilts on display in amongst the museum pieces
Click on any photo to see it larger - I was charmed by this sweet Daisy quilt by Robin Coleman
and loved this colourful design by Marina Kitto
beautifully quilted by Paula Shailer
There were some special exhibitions by Aotearoa Quilters : The Flower Challenge
and the Yellow Challenge
Hoffman Quilts were also on display - I've seen them before and still ♥ this one - the stitched details.....perhaps there is a stitched face quilt in my future? 
Click HERE to see the 2016 Hoffman Challenge Quilts. As well as quilts to view, there were shops to be seen. I was only tempted to purchase a small stencil 
I've photographed it on the large, well-used one I already have - it's one of my favourites so thought the smaller version would also be fun. 
Did you know that Hanna is hosting another postcard swap?
See all my posts about previous swaps I've been involved with HERE. I've included it with this post because Kowhai Quilters also had a lovely display of postcards, and I thought their use of a recycled book as a display option was inspired
Thought I would finish with my yesterday : we are enjoying a late burst of Summer here in New Zealand. Yesterday we went to watch my husband in the final of their cricket was a lovely day and although they ended up with second place, it was an awesome location and great team spirit from both sides 
Hope you have a creative week ♥

1 comment:

  1. All look wonderful but my favourite one must be the one with the circles. I was immediately drawn to it! Look like you had some lovely blue skies there!


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