Monday, March 27, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 12

It's only been a week since I've posted but I feel like I haven't talked to you for much longer than that.... how are you? I've had a week of being unwell - migraines to start last Monday and that progressed to days of a heavy head cold to finish it, but at least today I can share with you what micro-movements of 5-10 minutes a day can do....
I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014. Week 12 : Cut up a magazine, add! And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 : Mandalas by Francisca Nunes. Her Prompt : doodle and use bloom Mandalas
Technique : play with washes and drips of watercolors
Even though I've not been feeling my best, I've been able to manage little bits of art time which have added up to a whole spread for my Daily Journaling last week. These photos show my small daily progress. Day 1 all I could do was add spray to paper (loving that turquoise from another project - it later informs my colour choices)
Day 2 - added another flap and then drippage - first from the tape end dripping down to make the horizontal lines for journaling
Then drippage for vertical interest on the inner spread
Day 3 Mandala doodling
Day 4 More mandala doodling
Day 5 - needed a bit more background interest with my drips so added some 'mandala-like' stencil shapes with spray and printed too
gorgeous gold shimmer
Day 6 I wanted a large mandala in the centre spread but wanted a short-cut this week, so I printed off a free colouring mandala shape from Alisa Burke (get yours HERE) and traced over some of it on carbon paper to transfer some outlines to my page
Then I went over it with Posca pen and added my own swirls for journaling spots
Day 7 added colour and lines to the mandala in my own style and glued down some of the mandalas I'd doodled on paper earlier
Day 8 Finishing touches - plenty of mandalas but I also needed to "cut up a magazine and add" - I had always intended to add found words, but as I flicked through some magazines to find them, I decided this clock face would fit well with my week of using little bits of time to create a beautiful whole. So here's the completed spread with flap closed
and open
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HEREI'm on the mend so hoping there'll be more time and energy to create this week and that I'll see you again soon.


  1. Hi Lynette!
    I love to read you steps. Great work. Love it. Love all the mandalas.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Hope that you are really much better now!

  2. Thanks Francisca - I am well on the mend now :-)

  3. Gosh, I've missed so much in the last two weeks! Love your colourful diary page!


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