Thursday, March 16, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 11

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 11 : Draw, photograph or collage a bird onto your page
And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE :
Theme is Bloom
Prompt is use stamps, cutting one from an eraser
I love to carve my own stamps - just don't get make enough time to do it regularly - but you can see all my posts where I share stamps I've carved HERE. So I started with a background of green gold and some of my hand-carved stamps - one of my favourite borders and one that I thought fit the "Bloom" prompt quite well
then added some more of my flora themed stamps and a bit more colour
Here you can see my "collage a bird" - I used a serviette, and I couldn't resist adding a small fantail stamp (not hand carved, but I love fantails)
While there are quite a few elements here, there's not enough for me...I added some tape around some edges and then out came my lovely Fantastix applicator again (first used HERE), used this time with a lovely airbrush colour to add both depth and brightness.
The applicators rinse out easily in water for continued use - here's the same applicator ready for the blue. The airbrush colours have been updated and can now be purchased as High Flow acrylics - they are awesome for pen work because they have the same consistency of an ink
Here's a detail of the blue hue added - doodles and dots with the fantastix applicator. 
I only dipped it once into the paint and it did all the colour you seen on the completed spread. 
That's Week 11 all complete except for the daily journaling. You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE


  1. Love those hand carved stamps and the way you used them! I bought all the carving tools and materials a while ago, but only ever carved a couple of stamps and I don't even know where they are. I'm sure I'll find them one day. I had every intention of to make lots of stamps but it's still on my to-do list!

  2. I know - so many little time! ;-)


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