Sunday, February 12, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 7

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life project 2014Week 7 : Draw one shape - repeat - add colour. And once I read the prompt from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE it was pretty obvious what that shape should be (Valentine). First to gatherings....I'm not really a Valentines day girl, but seem to have lots of pretty heart shapes!
I really liked Lorraine Bell's layering of hearts in 2014, so began by layering some heart papers and stitching them to a backing which will become a flap for this week. They are only stitched through the middle so still dimensional :-)
Then time to start layering - I decided to use spray paint - large stencil is one I cut myself
Here's the inside flap finished - loving the found words too
I also thought 2 stencils layered and sponged might be cool....
and it is ♥
Here's my main page of repeating shapes
And the entire spread open
and with the flap closed
It looks like it's overlapping here, but once flattened to close it's fine - loving the look of the journal blooming already ♥
Lesson learned - the flaps attached to the outside edge close quite well without adding too much bulk, but the ones done in the centre of the journal (as I did in weeks 3 and 4) make it harder to close. 
Wishing you a week filled with love ♥
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE


  1. Love your page full of hearts! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa
    My husband and I remembered to text each other half way through the day!....but i do love hearts
    Happy Valentines to you xx


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