Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Work Diary 2017

February means back to school here in New Zealand. I am very lucky to be a school librarian working part-time in a private school. It's the perfect mix of professional development, balanced life style (limited hours and school holidays off), and another chance to be creative (remember Craft Club in December?) A creative girl needs to art up her work diary. This is my 4th year now and it's fun to look back. In 2014 I was inspired by the original Documented Life project and using all the washi tape to edge pages ;-)
In 2015 it looked like this - used my {new then} moonlight pens
Last year I went in a different direction and printed out a background from an art journal page to use on my cover - loved this too ♥
I was still using sari ribbon for my bookmark
This year I decided to use my own art again and make sure that SHINE (my word of the year) is also part of my work time. This art is from December last year
And I included one of my current fav washi tapes - gorgeous soft turquoise with lovely gold dots for some more shine ♥ I've used it to stick together the holiday weeks so my diary is divided into school terms
I decided to do something different for a bookmark as well. Each term I have slightly different priorities and the times classes visit change. Decided this year I would include a flap that will do double duty as a bookmark
and also so that I can write a priority list and stick it down on the card so I can see it out to the side of my week without it floating around as a loose piece of paper
I didn't have to paint new card for this - it was one of the ones I considered when I made my Inner Work Journal cover HERE.
So none of this took a lot of time but it makes me happy that I am including my art in my working day.

1 comment:

  1. It was fun looking back on your work diaries in the past few years! Very clever how you "blocked out" the holiday pages, so you can concentrate on the school term - and also this way you will always see how many weeks till the next holiday! I like that washi too!


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