Thursday, February 16, 2017

Sharing some of my Inner Work Journal

I first shared about my new Inner Work Journal HERE. It's my self-discovery journal inspired by the concept of a "Sweet Trash Journal" a la Effy Wild. It's a place where you can capture ALL the stuff, and although it's more private than the art journal you share with friends or online, I thought you might be inspired by some of my pages. 
My word for 2017 is SHINE, and many of the intentions align so well with this journal - especially the "I - Inner Work" . So here's some of what's in there : 
My art - present and past - I re-discovered this manifesto from daily journaling last year and it is just as relevant today ♥ This art was a Book of Days lesson HERE. Click on the photo to see it larger.
I can print out inspiring emails
Write responses to the daily prompts from Book of Days
Remember what I've been reading/watching/listening to during the month
Print off inspiring things like this
and I've been enjoying drawing some tarot and oracle cards - as a mirror/tool to explore what's going on inside.  I have these 3 decks
I don't like the guide book that comes with the Morgan-Greer, so I turn instead to and pyschic revelation when I want a bit more useful insight to help me interpret what the card might be telling me. And I like thinking about my responses to cards drawn and how I can use them to develop myself
You can see I've covered some of my thoughts above with a card that is for the One Little Word workshop  - my most recent spread in this journal is a background for my February prompt for that class.
So some of it's pretty, and much of it's not - and mostly it's not of interest or relevance to anyone else, but the main thing is that I'm getting my thoughts onto the page and it's helping me write out frustrations, discover more about myself, grapple with problems in a different way, and capture joys. So even when I'm not posting completed projects on my blog, know that I am still keeping up with a daily creative practice.
This journal's getting fuller, and I've only been doing it for a month - loving it. Have you started a new creative practice this year?


  1. I love where you're going with your journalling and your self discovery. Very inspirational! Great idea to print out those emails for encouragement too. I'm getting the Brave Girls Club emails and don't always have the time to read them, but when I do they always teach me something!

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - I am very happy with the way my practice is developing


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