Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cover decorating party

I finished 2016 creatively with a wonderful shared online experience. I won Effy Wild's Book of Days class for the second half of 2016. I loved her approach and her lessons and am currently still working on her wonderful Facing Foward II face and affirmation class. I have joined BOD 2017 for the whole year - I want to dive deeper. On Friday 30th at 3pm EST Effy live streamed decorating her journal cover for this year's class on YouTube. Happily the time difference meant I could play along my time Saturday 31st 9am. Here I am all set up ready  
So thankful for my studio space with the internet right there so I could do this. Effy decorated her cover on YouTube and chatted away as she did so, while we worked on our own journal covers. This wasn't a teaching lesson, just a shared experience. Here's what happened at my place. I'm working on a small Dylusions journal - pages are 5" x 8"
Because my word for 2017 is SHINE I decided to start with a base layer of gold, followed swiftly by some stencilling with a metallic purple
Decided I might as well decorate inside the cover as well so here's where I cleaned excess paints off 
More stencils with metallics and some lovely star tissue was applied
I needed to inject more colour - enter this lovely serviette I've been saving for just such an opportunity ♥
Loving immediately!
It needs some dark
Missing a couple of my fav's - this paint and stencil...especially in combination
Adore what it does here
Wanted to add my word to the cover, but don't like this
Swiftly fixed by some more of that lovely serviette
This is where I left it to dry completely before I decide on the finishing touches
More in love with my inside cover than my outer at this stage, but it was time to go and celebrate New Year's Eve at the beach! My other happy place ♥♥♥
On our return yesterday, I was able to see what the journal needed to be finished. 
As you can see, my cover needed more SHINE ♥. The back just needed some tape on the edge (click on any photo to see it larger)
And the front needed tape, white Paint Sharpie pen, and gold sakura gelly roll pen.
And my word ♥
Inside front cover didn't need much but I am loving this just as much as the outside
Close-ups - envelope open
Really surprised how well that red tape on the edges worked...loving my butterfly with gold
Can't wait to use this. Sharing soon what I'm going to do inside....


  1. Thanks for spelling out the process - I was wondering how you did it! It must be those metallics that make it so magical! I've got that studio colour too - love it! The white doodling really adds to the design as well! So very pretty!

  2. I am loving metallics and white for brightness more and more - must be my SHINE influence 😊
    I wish there was a way to link FB comments here to be kept on the blog - I have had 122 hits on this blog post about my cover and 23 comments there in just one of the groups I posted in! I'm not worrying about how many comments on my blog now - obviously it's a sign of the times.
    Can't wait to see what you're doing this year xo

  3. Yeah, I've noticed too that people don't usually leave comments visiting from FB. That's what I like about G+ - all the comments also appear on my blog, but sadly, people don't like using G+ for some reason. Still, it's good to know that they visit :)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.