Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Daily Journaling 2017 : Week 1

I loved doing the Documented Life Project in 2015 and did it in a large Dylusions journal. In 2016 I incorporated some of the unPlanner prompts into my daily journaling, but it just didn't inspire me weekly in the same way. I always regretted that I didn't do the full original 2014 project. 
At the time I already had a calendar journaling process, so contented myself with decorating my work journal :
Having included daily journaling/memory keeping as part of my art journal in 2016, I am ready to go back to a separate daily calendar journal. I have had this small Dylusions journal in my cupboard for a while - pages are 5" x 8"
I have used up some paint on some pages of this journal so I have a few pages like this which may be incorporated or disguised :
but mainly they are blank. There are 48 pages so by adding just a couple of extra tip-ins I'm now good for the year. I had to tear out a few pages from my large Dylusions journal at the end of 2015, so I just folded 2 of them in half, trimmed them, and inserted into the journal held in place with a sparkly hair band down the middle
- easy peasy :-) I shared the steps for decorating my journal cover in my previous post
As well as adding those extra pages, I also trimmed some extra paper and lined the inside board covers so I can journal from the first spread to the last. This is inside the back cover
This is my first spread ready to be started: 
I'm going to follow the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014. Each time I post I'll share the link to the original project posts (with instructions from the original artists) in case you want to play along with me. Here's Week 1 : photograph, sketch, paint or incorporate your front door 
Totally okay that I start with some left-over paint already there...First I added more paint to tie the pages together, and decided to include the door to my studio - I am sooo lucky to have dedicated art space ♥
The original projected included flaps on every page. I'm not going to do that every week, but I do love the look of the tape on the edges of pages so will do that. As well as adding my word of the year, I also added lots of metallic paint and pens to start out shiney ♥
Click on the photo to see it larger - just need to fill in the journaling of my week. So this is how my daily journal for 2017 starts.
Looking forward to sharing this project weekly. Week 2 hopefully up on Sunday. I won't be keeping up this rate of blogging every day! Just always love to get projects launched at the beginning of a new year ♥
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.
Since doing this spread I have realised there is a FB group for 2017 - run by different people but to keep the concept going : it's called Life Documented 2017. I will let you know if I decide to incorporate that into this journal.


  1. I have a large dylusions and never touched it! Still afraid! Perhaps next year! I so love what you did with that cover! I was looking for DLP 2017 - do you know anything about it? It doesn't seem to exist, but there's no reference anywhere to say that they stopped doing it.

  2. If you click on that Life Documented link at the end of the post you can join the FB group. The original women aren't continuing, so others have set up a group to keep the concept going. I'm not sure if I will switch to that or keep going with the 2014 prompts (which I am loving) or do a combo - bit soon to tell what the new prompts will be like. But a very supportive group with lovely comments to each other.

  3. Thanks Lynette - I've found it! I've also bookmarked the 2014 prompts. I only ever did the first few weeks of 2015 but then lost track. It's a shame they're not doing it any more but understandable as they all have their own separate businesses.


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