Monday, January 2, 2017

Creative Dreams for 2017

You can do ANYTHING, 
but you can't do EVERYTHING!
While I normally start a new year with big plans and a long list of projects that may seem impossible to achieve, I usually end my year with a "Ta Da!" list that never would have happened without the long list.... you've got to have a dream don't you?!
I know that creating is something that makes me SHINE so I'm making sure there's plenty of support for that! But be kind and realistic about what's possible for you. I was going to call this post creative goals, but changed it to dreams cos I usually have to review my expectations mid year and get a bit more realistic! January is dream time for me ♥ Everything seems possible....
+ I am definitely IN with Effy Wild's Book of Days class for the year (link will take you to buying a full-year or first session option) Session One will take place between January 1 & April 1st. We will break in April, and Session Two will take place between May 1 & August 1. We will break in August and resume for Session Three which will run between September 1 & December 1. I find her style of teaching inspiring, and I adore her Facing Forward II class. The breaks will let me catch up and focus on other projects as well.
Effy's also co-host of Journal 52 (free weekly prompts for the year)
+ Documenting Life - I've had daily journals in the past, often in the form of a calendar journal, but in 2016 I just decided to include some memory keeping as part of my art journal.  I'm ready to go back to a separate journal for this purpose again and I'm going to follow the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014. More about that journal soon....
+ I really enjoyed doing Life Book again last year. In 2016 I managed to complete 30 pieces of art from the lessons on offer, and In 2015 I completed 23 pieces of art. I went through a phase of feeling really disappointed that I wasn't getting to the lessons but now I've decided I'm not going to take on Life Book 2017, but will attempt to complete more of the lessons I've saved from 2015 and 2016 - plenty to keep me going ;-)
 + My Word of the year is SHINE - read about that in my previous post. I'm doing Ali Edwards' One Little Word again to keep my on track 
+ I also have Spirit Wings by Kelly Rae Roberts  (purchased because I just couldn't resist the bargain from her 10 Year anniversary sale...class now available for $99 lifetime access)
and Grateful HeART journal by Alisa Burke because I love her stuff and I got it on sale!
If you need some cheap and FREE online art class ideas check out my list HERE.
+ I was gifted Sue Spargo's embroidery class on Craftsy 
+ More quilts to be made I hope - this one is waiting to be finished : 
+ Mixed Media fabric art projects - like my banner
As well, I hope I get the opportunity to teach again this year - I'll be taking craft club at school again at the very least. 
You can do ANYTHING, but you can't do EVERYTHING! On reading over this post I'm obviously going to try though...if I get half of this done by the end of the year I'll be doing well! Are your creative dreams as big as mine? ♥


  1. Looking back over the year is a real eye opener and you've done so much as well as parenting and working outside the home. I made a list for last year, have to say that some were just a little bit of play. My list looks like this:
    Blowing and spraying ink and dyes
    Moving the workroom
    Beading bound rocks
    Plastic wrap on paint
    Layering machine made and embroidered lace
    Rusting felt discs
    Making charcoal
    Encaustic class with Nicki Stewart
    Encaustic sample pieces
    FANZ with Peta Lloyd
    Wire framed accordion books
    Waxed and sewn paper cubes
    Alcohol ink on Yupo
    Weaving with harakeke
    Working in a Series with Lisa Call
    Silicon disc stamps
    Sewing leaves
    Daily collages
    Sewn, waxed, watercolours

  2. A list to be proud of...what are your dreams for 2017 Wendy?


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