Sunday, December 18, 2016

Woman Unleashed FREE Online Retreat

Thought I would let you know about this FREE online event because it starts in just a few days : 
The retreat officially starts December 20th, the day before Solstice. 
From December 20-31, you'll get a daily email with the retreat sessions available that day. Each retreat session is meant to nurture you and awaken your power, purpose and creativity so you make 2017 your best year yet. ALL retreat sessions will stay open through January 15th so plenty of time to soak them up. 
The retreat is filled with sessions on Art + Journaling + Movement + Mini Workshops to help you slow down and nourish yourself. Sessions are led by world renowned artists, teachers, speakers, authors and healers from all over the world 
Sign up for it HERE. I know there's a lot going on at this time of year. This is a chance to do some self-care. 
I found out about it because Tam of Willowing Arts is teaching and it looks like a lesson very similar to one from Life Book which I LOVED.
Tam says : I'm sharing how to create a Tam-like dream/ vision/ affirmation board (they're a bit different from the traditional dreamboards). The dreamboard can be a great visual tool to help you manifest dreams, hopes and wishes. It can also help you heal and feel better about yourself by validating and affirming positive thought forms about yourself into the board! : ) 
Did I mention it's even if only one thing suits you, it's worth signing up.
Because this is so short term, I haven't added it to my list of Cheap and Free Online Artful Classes always available in my top right side bar. But I have just updated that list, so check it out as well and let me know if I've missed anything - I'll be updating it as new information comes my way

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