Saturday, December 17, 2016

Thinking about a Word of the year for 2017

I've had a word of the year for a long time. I think I originally heard about this concept from Christine Kane. As I looked through my blog, in previous years my words have been Transform (2016), 
Nourish (2015), Thrifty (2014), Completion (2013), Lighten up (2012), Be Present (2011), Gratitude (2010) and I noted in my 2011 post that I had also had the words "Patience" and "Action" although I didn't realise I've been involved with this concept for so long! 
I've noticed that great words of previous years carry through so that Nourish and Thrifty accompanied Transform this year, and I don't think I'm quite done with them yet. In 2017 my husband and I will celebrate 25 years of marriage AND I will turn 50! 
I am therefore considering words like celebrate, shine, sparkle and light. I've had "lighten up" in the past, but that was in the years before I did Ali's One Little Word class which has definitely helped to keep my word more present through the whole year. 
I highly recommend Susannah Conway's FREE 5-day email class to help you figure out your word - sign up for that HERE
I am currently working through this and will share my word as we enter 2017. Once your word is chosen, Ali Edwards' One Little Word class supports your word throughout the year with monthly prompts. Register before December 31, 2016 to receive her early-bird price of US$26. After December 31st the price is US$31 
As I think about my possible words today, Alisa Burke's weekend post came up with this quote : 
I wonder what my word for 2017 will turn out to be. I hope you are taking some time to do some self-care at this busy time, and to think about how you want to approach the coming year. Merry Merry
The glass ornaments that feature in the photos for this post were made in 2012. The angels are illustrations by Jane Ray.

1 comment:

  1. I've signed up for the emails and the FB group. Thanks for putting this on my radar! I haven't had time to read the emails yet, but I've saved them for later. Loving those ornaments - they are all so pretty and inspirational!


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