Monday, December 19, 2016

Mini Gelli Arts Printing Plates

The best presents are things you'd love, but tell yourself you don't NEED. One of my lovely arty friends saw me looking at these and saying I could do without them, so she got them for me ♥
So why would you put the mini plates on your Christmas wish list?  Portability - ease of use for stamping 
- nice shapes to add journaling space to a page 
- convenient sizes for use on tags or cards - print the shapes and then cut them out (make your own gift tags and ATC backgrounds) 
- also nice as a frame for stamps 
You can use them to make cute Christmas trees on wrapping paper here by Gelli Arts blog 
or on Christmas cards - these are some of mine
They're a good way to lay down some random background colour 
I've seen Rae Missigman do this quite often. Here with a 3 x 5 plate (picture below) - my new square is 3 x 3.
Check out other inspirations at the Gelli Arts blog HERE and this cute YouTube inspires some fun layering : 

Julie Fei-Fan Balzer also shared a cool technique called "Bumping" which is doing  a double-print slightly off for cool effect - check that out HERE.
from the Balzer Designs Blog: Tutorial: Gelatin Bumping
I currently know of 2 New Zealand suppliers for Gelli plates
Tulis Textiles - go HERE for gelli plates.  Also available at Gordon Harris - online link there or stores located Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch.
Lots of people talk about using deli paper to take prints on the gelli plate - my alternative for this is a lunchwrap available in NZ supermarkets - see the details of that HERE.
You need greaseproof paper not a waxy surface to print on. It's more like a paper in between tissue and cartridge. I buy on a roll and cut it to size. This information about supplies is always available via the link in my sidebar top right about where I shop for supplies. Merry Christmas wishes

1 comment:

  1. I've got this set too and have my eyes on the other one. You're right, it's something we don't need but it's so nice to have! How nice of your friend to buy it for you! Love that demo video - I don't believe I have seen it yet. Makes me want to get mine out and play! Your triangle trees are really cute and whimsy!


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