Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Life Book 2016

I've enjoyed doing Life Book 2016. Even though the last piece I created was in October, I actually made more art than I did in 2015 which was my first year of this amazing year long offering. The online community is wonderfully supportive and I've connected with some special people across the miles. One of them is Zsuzsa in Great Britain. She blogs at InkyDinkyDoodle. We decided to do a wee parcel swap in December and both arrived in time for Christmas. This is what I sent her - with a taste of New Zealand in many of my choices 
In return, this was the pile of goodies I received. I am so VERY lucky.

While I LOVE everything I was sent, and it makes me smile that we have got to know each other quite well through our art, I was especially touched by the very special concertina book she made celebrating some of our Life Book projects. These are our different interpretations of the same lesson. It's wonderful to see them together.
My art is on the left, and hers on the right
Go here to see all of Zsuzsa's Life Book posts. If you've never done Life Book before, I encourage you to have a go. I have learned so much from the different teachers and grown as an artist in so many different ways. There is something on offer EVERY week - which can be daunting, but is also wonderful - there is always something new to inspire.
Here are a couple of screen shots of my Flickr album of all my Life Book 2016 projects. Click on the photos to see them larger, or click on the link to go directly to the Flickr album. See all my Life Book 2016 posts here.
Sign up for Life Book 2017 HERE and there's a 20% off coupon anyone can use this year!
Discount if you sign up before14th January 2017.  


  1. What a lovely post Lynette! Thanks so much for sharing! I have enjoyed our friendship tremendously and even though you're not doing LB2017, I will follow your journey and be inspired by all your artistic endeavours next year. I'm especially looking forward to your fabric art projects, which is something I want to get into more. (I'm hoping that if I keep saying it, it will happen LOL!) Wishing you a wonderful 2017! xx

  2. How lovely to be able to have such a creative friendship on opposite sides of the world! I love the concertina book with its beautiful art by both of you!


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