Tuesday, December 27, 2016

My word for 2016 : reflecting on Transform

In January I shared my word for the year : TRANSFORM
I'm sure you know this quote "Always aim for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars". This was true for my year. I didn't meet my expectations in some areas, but I also transformed in unexpected ways...Here I review my intentions from January
Transform physically - Although I'm getting better at healthier eating and have increased my gym habit, sometimes stress has overcome my good intentions. I haven't lost heaps of weight, but despite this, I HAVE succeeded in transforming my perceptions about my body! I now feel very happy with what I see when I look in the mirror - I value what my body can do, and how I look when I get dressed. I recently saw the movie documentary Embrace and I want to continue to live like that. I've struggled a bit with the onset of menopause this year - a not so easy transformation....but I'm feeling happy with my strategies for dealing with this. I know that I am set for 2017 with good plans in place for a healthful life. 
Transform relationships - I've definitely made new connections this year and deepened some existing friendships. I'm very proud of the way I've supported my family in stressful times this year, and the extra closeness that we have as a direct result from this.
Transform creativel- I made a lot of art in 2016 that included my word and/or butterflies. See my Flickr album for my OLW art HERE.
I've made good progress in transforming an old art book into my lovely art journal and generally feel like I've made more art this year 
and I've used Effy Wild's idea of an Ultimate notebook to transform my experience of what I get out of online art classes. I've transformed some fabric into quilts, continued to blog about my art, and have loved my first forays into teaching mixed media art. I've been very proud of my progress with Faces this year and look forward to seeing how they continue to develop in 2017. I've also got a better recognition of how different times of the year present different challenges and my art productivity is cyclical - I'm kinder to myself about what I'm managing to achieve.
Transform my soul/spirit - I've continued the journey I began in 2015 of being open to meditations, talking to myself more kindly and working on transforming limiting beliefs into liberating beliefs. I've enjoyed the classes that have assisted in affirmation work through art (Particularly through many of the Life Book lessons and Effy's Facing Forward II class).
Transform our living spaces - I was more active in taking steps to get quotes and focus on some home improvements, and we now have new curtains and renovated bathroom and toilet with lovely tiling. I have a plan for what to do next....
Ali's One Little Word class has definitely helped to keep my word more present through the whole year. Although I didn't complete every month's prompt, it was still great to have her email arrive and remind me about my word every month. Register for her 2017 Class before December 31, 2016 to receive her early-bird price of US$26. After December 31st the price is US$31. 
I've got a new word for 2017. Share it here soon

1 comment:

  1. What a meaningful post Lynette! It's lovely how you were able to take stock of all your achievements this year. Your book looks fantastic and still has some space to play with. I like when you said "I'm kinder to myself about what I'm managing to achieve". This is definitely something I need to keep in mind! Wishing you lots happiness in 2017!


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