Thursday, December 29, 2016

FFII : Week 4

Effy's 8-week online class Facing Forward II : the things we need to hear was fabulous. I loved seeing everyone's work and I was so inspired by every piece. I watched snippets of the videos for each girl, but didn't have time until this week to work on this face which brings me to half-way through the course. Although I wish I had worked through with the others, I am happy that I delayed doing this one because I wasn't sure that I'd like to do one without facial features, but turns out she is perfect timing for looking ahead to 2017. Here's how she happened
Used lots of metallic paints/pens to add shimmer to her
And here she is done. Click on the photo to see her larger.
See all the blog posts about the faces I've created in this class HERE. See my Flickr album for all my art from Book of Days and Facing Forward II classes with Effy HERE
This class is open indefinitely so you can still sign up HERE.


  1. Ooooh, I really like this one! Interesting concept of the featureless face with lots of textures in other areas. I love that bird motif! So well done!

  2. Effy is an amazing teacher - I love every lesson from Facing Forward II. Wasn't sure about the featureless face, but she works ♥

  3. She totally works thanks to all the textures around the face! I bought Effy's Radiant course two years ago and I still haven't touched it, but I got it all saved for later!


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