Saturday, October 15, 2016

BOD : Reverence

I have been really caught up in my Facing Forward lessons (8 weeks of faces and affirmations with Effy) but I really wanted to do this Book of Days lesson from Week 31 (early August). It's another face, but a different method. Effy talked a lot about reverence in this lesson. Thinking about how it feels to you - what creates a sense of reverence in you - a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe....I always circle back to the sea as a place which always feels sacred to me - it rejuvenates, fills me up, gives me back my perspective, calms me. So that's where I started for my background and her hair inspiration
And then it was into the details
She looks contemplative and peaceful to me. CLick on any photo to see it larger. See my Flickr album for all my art from Book of Days and Facing Forward II classes with Effy HERE
Book of Days is a year-long mix of weekly classes, prompts and inspiration. Join us for the last quarter of the year, October 1st to December 31st 2016. Tuition includes access to alumni pricing for next year's BOD, should you choose to return (a value of $60 off the regular price!)

1 comment:

  1. Loving her sea inspired hair and sparkly eyes! Beautiful colours in this!


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