Wednesday, October 19, 2016

FFII : Week 2

Another face from the lovely Effy's 8-week online class Facing Forward II : the things we need to hearI am loving that each face focuses on a different technique with a diverse range of mediums. I posted a face from Book of Days lesson last time - you may have noticed I'm a little obsessed with creating faces at the moment! In case you are wondering, Facing Forward lessons are breakout sessions designed to supplement the BOD experience with intensive practice in a particular theme (in this case faces and affirmations), or to provide those who do not wish to commit to a year long journey with a way to enjoy BOD in a smaller time frame. I am loving both, and there is no time limit because you have access to both class experiences indefinitely. 
This time I decided to do a double spread - although Effy's example included more feathers in her hair, in the initial sketch videos, she talked about the idea of using her hair as journaling blocks. I decided I loved that for my affirmation. Began with drawing the face on the more blank side of my spread this time - I think I'll like the background text to make the hair side more interesting.
So far so good, but when I tried to use the same hair colour for face shading, I just ended up making her look bruised!
Tried to take her back to a more even skin tone
Went back to start with adding white highlights and decided to work on her eyes to get some beauty there and then I couldn't stop and brought back some much softer pinks and I'm happy to keep working on the whole spread now.
After my initial struggles with her face I enjoyed every bit of this spread from the feather detailing to the "hair"/veil and affirmation doodling, and finishing with the splattery cosmos. Click on any photo to see it up closer.
See all the blog posts about the faces I've created in this class HERESee my Flickr album for all my art from Book of Days and Facing Forward II classes with Effy HERE

1 comment:

  1. Very stylized! Love the lettering, the golden bits and the feathers for her earrings!


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