Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Teaching in November

So excited that I will be teaching 3 classes in November. They are all local - first up is a 2-hour night class for our library's Local History week. Last year I taught a collage class called Bringing history alive artfullyThis year the theme is "From Past To Present" and I will be teaching a lesson based on this journal page from my last year's daily journal : 
For students who came last time, this will be similar techniques but with the introduction of stencils and paints for some extra layering options. This is the sample page from 2015 with a couple of additions
Last year, even the students who had little experience of collage went home with a lovely base piece at the end of the evening. If you're a local, you could be part of this class. It's on Tuesday night, 1st November. For enquiries and bookings contact Heritage Team, Second Floor, Central Library
I recently spoke at a couple of local quilt clubs and from both of them the committees have asked me to teach their members - and happily it's 2 different classes. First my mixed media fabric banner - an original project that started with some of my grandmother's fabric serviettes.
And secondly, Star Books
There are quite a few instructions on the internet for this, but of course I have my own spin on how to fill them with inspirational and meaningful imagery and embellishments.
I'll try & remember to take photos of the class work so I can share what happens.  Hope you're managing to fit some creativity into your week. I'd love to hear what you're currently inspired by.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You're so brave! I would love to take your fabric banner class! As I'm on the other side of the globe, I will just gather inspiration from your photos.


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