Sunday, August 7, 2016

Book of Days

When I joined Life Book at the beginning of the year I did so through Effy and became part of her Seekrit Life Book Club with a bonus class on note-taking. I created my cover for my Ultimate Notebook immediately I got the information at the end of December
In it I take notes about every Life Book class I attempt and it helps my learning tremendously.
I've so enjoyed Effy's lessons from Life Book. Last December I did Sunshine and Roses
and this year was Reframing your story which I completed in June.
As a member of Effy's Seekrit club, each month she gives her members a chance to win : 


Every time you post an image of your artwork for Life Book 2016 in the comments beneath each post, you will be entered in a drawing for the month’s prize.JULY’S prize is a seat in BOD Semi-Annual Edition! All you have to do to be eligible to win is post! I will announce the winner on the first Wednesday of AUGUST and then we will have a whole new challenge!
It's pretty obvious where I am going with this!
If you're new around here - click HERE for the fantail version and HERE for the winged.
I am so excited as you can imagine. Online classes are such a wonderful opportunity and it is even more amazing to get to study with a teacher that you love for FREE! THIS is what I've won : 
Spend the second half of the year with me, Effy Wild, filling up your journal with gorgeous mixed media spreads that deeply express your life.
I have long wondered what this class is like and I am hopeful that it may provide the injection of new enthusiasm I need at this very wintery and sometimes dormant (art-wise) time of year for me. I have watched a few of the videos and yep - inspired ♥
Note that Effy has released part of her Book of Days class : Boot Camp FREE.
The materials are designed to take you through the entire process of creating an art journal (called around here, the BOD or Book Of Days) & an art grimoire. The BOD is for art journal spreads and the grimoire is for experimentation with different mediums/techniques. Many of us use both in our creative practice, but you are welcome to use one book as you see fit.
Links to this and other cheap and FREE online art classes are always available in link top right under my profile. Hoping to share again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Lucky you! It's great that you document your progress in the notebook like that. I signed up for Effy's Radiant course last year, but didn't do any of the lessons. I saved the videos though, so I can do them any time. Book of Days sounds great, especially when it's free! I bet you're over the moon that you've won!


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