Tuesday, August 9, 2016

DLP (Start with a black background) and daily journaling

If you've been following me a while you'll know I love to art journal {almost} every day. We had a very busy and fun last week and weekend of our school holidays and I finished my last daily spread ready to start the new term on 25th July. We've been resettling into school, getting organised for more family birthdays, trying to prune roses between wintery cold and very wet days, and although I've been working on some projects that I can't share completed yet, I'd been feeling a bit like I'd lost some of my art mojo. I decided to start fresh again for August...a new month called for a lovely new title - in June I cut a previously spray-painted piece of cardstock to use for art cards. 
I used that doily HERE
and the lacey bit HERE
It was time to use that lovely henna hand creatively. I started with gelli plate background fun (I made the foam plate HERE) : 
and then added the hand
With all our happenings I had plenty of photos, but was forgetting to make space for the art. The black tag is there to remind me to use it for a Documented Life prompt, but I came to a bit of a stand still last week. Then on Saturday, I found out I'd won Effy's online class Book of Days July-December! She is so encouraging with such wise words - after watching a few videos I was reminded that I NEED to art - it's good for my soul, it's good for my development, it's good from my general happiness which means my whole life benefits - I need to make priority time for it in my day and recognise that the other stuff can be done around the space I need to make for that. That afternoon I was adding more art to my spread :
And although there were some memory-keeping photos I had to add at the top of the next page, I remembered to use some tape and silver pen to add to the shivery weather feel of the day
The best way to celebrate my Book of Days win was to art it. And it was time to properly use a Documented Life prompt "Start with a black background". I began with lovely stencils of feathers = art gives me wings ♥
Then it was time to add sparkles with gelli pen work
and decided I would also like to use my black clothing tag
Attached with a small brad - I'll be able to cover the back with some paper when I turn the page. 
I love how this half-page has turned out
and here's the final spread complete.
Looking forward to seeing what happens next on my art journey. 
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.


  1. A beautiful collage of bits and pieces of art and memorabilia. Love that texture plate you used for the gelli print! Did you make that or did you buy it? Love the stencilled feathers too and the altered clothes tag. I started collecting those too! And, yes, making art is definitely good for our soul!

  2. Yes - made the texture plate myself. Have now added link to post - thanks :-)


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