Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What's happening around here....

I can't share any finished projects at the moment but I can show some in progress
Next daily journal spread has been started for August (gelli print background)
Quilt top completed - Disappearing Nine Patch. I'll share a complete blog post about this one when I've got it quilted and finished.
Another Life Book lesson started - another gelli printed background
This one's a secret for now.....
We got Netflix recently and are enjoying watching this in the cold dark evenings 
The whole family is inside together beside the fire - probably why my projects aren't getting finished as well as they do in summer when I stay out in the studio after dinner :-)  Also happening this month - birthdays for my husband and eldest son and some good friends, and I'm hoping to see this at the movies soon :
Hope you are finding time to create.

1 comment:

  1. Some beautiful things in the process! I immediately recognized the LB page and the quilt top looks amazing. This is about as far as I could get with a quilt - that's the interesting part, I guess. The rest of it is the hard, boring part! That trailer looks very inspiring! What she said about the struggle to get the perfect body and how it's not worth it, is so true! We should be happy in the body we're in and concentrate on being healthy instead.


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