Friday, July 15, 2016

LB2016 : Dancing with shadows....Again!

The last lesson I shared from Life Book 2016 was a paint over collage technique with Tam. When I was searching for my imagery, I couldn't quite decide between 2 faces, and chose the larger to go with my fantail. See the outcome of that HERE.
I was still very drawn to the other, smaller face, so quite quickly realised I'd be having another go at this lesson, and this time I'd use a favourite motif in my work - the butterfly. First layer of collage with clear gesso layer
I thought she could be a bit less realistic than my other lesson
and that she would have butterfly wings :-)
It was fun using stencils again as layers for her wings as well as her hair
Glitter was added next, and then silver iridescent paint. 
Lovely layers as the background progresses
I am happy with her sweet face. I call her my butterfly angel version ♥ all the sparkles 
- there are glimmers of glitter in the layer below the silver on the wings, as well as the sheen of metallic paint in the background layers and on her skirt. 
She was almost done here but once I walked away and came back to her it was obvious what she was missing...
Click on the photo to see it larger, or go HERE to see my Flickr album of all my Life Book 2016 projects. I can't go without sharing the before and after side by side 
You can see all my posts about Life Book this year HERE. I am really happy with how both versions of the project look together in my journal. 2 versions = more learning.


  1. How wonderful that you did a second version of this lesson! It is a very addictive technique Last year I made three versions of it! I was planning to work on this lesson this week, but didn't get around to it. Summer is always more tricky as there are other things to do. I'm wishing for winter to come - I'm not kidding - but summer hasn't even started here yet, until school breaks up next week. I might just have a go at this today! Loving your results!

  2. What a wonderful transformation! I'm so glad you did the second go at the lesson. While you know that each person who does a lesson brings something different to it, it is also interesting to see how you can bring different things at different times. You are right - more exercise = more learning. The stencils for the wings - swoon. What really strikes me, however, is how the stencils in the hair completely change the texture of the hair. I like that. I like it a lot.

  3. Had to pop over from your link on Effy's site and see your blog. Loving those wings. It's really interesting to see your process and how everything came together. Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. Thanks everyone - I really enjoyed challenging myself to do this other ones. I especially loved adding the stencil adddions. Like you, Lynda, I especially love their addition to the hair. Will be trying that again!


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