Sunday, July 17, 2016

DLP (Use tissue paper and Incorporate watercolours) and daily journaling

I've decided to take a different approach to the DLP prompts and use them as backgrounds for my daily journal pages. I had a couple of prompts which I hadn't done from June so I decided to start my next daily spread by scribbling with watercolour crayons and then blending with water
Next up was to add some tissue serviettes - tear the back 2 layers off and then just glue the top layer to your base - the serviette will blend into the background, especially if you have torn the edges. Just keep your touch light as you brush it down so it doesn't tear - although I don't really worry about those imperfections too much.
You can also see that I did some stamping and doodling with watercolour crayon. Dip the end of your crayon in water before applying to a stamp for lovely soft effect.
You can also dip your crayon in water and doodle with it
You would get a different effect on watercolour paper, but this still makes me happy working on my recycled book paper. I think what I'm really going to enjoy about this idea is that if I work ahead in my journal, I can apply materials and ideas as I work on other pages. The below is from my paint over collage lesson
and you can see I was able to apply leftovers to this spread 
After a week of a bad headcold and feeling like doing barely anything, on Saturday morning the spread was looking very pretty and it's nowhere near done :-) Click on photo to see it larger.
Although I anticipate that I may make less Pocket Art Cards since I am using the prompts for backgrounds, I wanted to use watercolours on watercolour paper. I cut two pieces the "official" PAC size of 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" - it is really challenging for me to work that small. I was keen to use gel medium as a resist so began with that for both before adding a bright watercolour wash on the top. Both of the butterflies are serviettes. 
Those 2 challenges met, the ListTen prompt for June was "words I totally overuse" - so I added one of mine "Awesome" and finished that PAC with a stitched edge and fibre additions of wool/sari ribbon. The black additions to the yellow card are rub-ons and I love how I left the butterfly and sari ribbon hanging over the edge. I also finally got myself a punch that rounds corners. Highly recommended...
I started pruning my roses last week and managed a small pretty bunch for the table - last of the season ♥
Here's the completed spread.
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HEREIf you are interested in other ideas for using watercolour, check out my daily journaling posts in my Watercolour journal in 2014 HERE


  1. great background effects with the crayons and the bits of napkins are a nice addition too! Are PACs same as ATCs - the seem to have the same dimensions! Loving the fabric bits and the stitching on those cards and the out-of-bounds butterfly!

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - yes I think they are the same. Very challenging for me to work that small - I want to add so much! In DLP they call them Pocket Art Cards.


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