Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mixed Media Projects revisited

I was asked to speak to Rangitikei Country Quilters on Saturday about my mixed media art journey. 
It was such fun to pull out some of my older projects and I thought you might like to see a selection here as they may be new to you. You can click on any project title and it will take you to the original posting.
These first four are from when I first started blogging in 2010. Left Pansy book, Front Foiled velvet bag, and Right Lutradur gift box
Below is Garden Fairy using fabric paper technique
One of my favourite projects of all time is my Indian wall hanging which began life as a Tyvek wall hanging which I shared in 2011
but then I transformed into this mixed media piece. Click on the photos to see them in larger detail.
These are a couple of favourite framed pieces - this first one now lives with my mother
Celtic Cutwork
Velvet Night garden
I shared some art journals. Left December Daily and Right Journal of our South Island holiday - featuring white gelli plate printing on the black pages.
as well as my 2015 art journaling in the form of Documented Life and Life Book classes
I think I can sneak my Fabric Banner into this post as an older project - completed June 2014 (I have been asked to teach this to a group later this year)
You can see why I had problems deciding on my 6 favourite projects for my bloggiversary :-)


  1. These are all wonderful! What an honour to give a talk about your art journey. I'm sure everyone who attends will find it very inspirational!

  2. It looks like a restrospective exhibition of your work Lyntte. What a wonderful thing to be asked to do and I'm sure encouraging to others.

  3. Hi Lynette , just found this webpage and thought you may enjoy looking at her work too.\

  4. Thanks all - I had lovely feedback about the talk. It was so fun to drag out all my old pieces

  5. Hi Sue - I am familiar with her work but hadn't looked for a while. Thanks 😊


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