Wednesday, July 13, 2016

6 Year Bloggiversary!!

Happy Bloggiversary to me! On 13th July 2010 I posted the following : My first post at last. Been thinking about blogging for a while.
I want to have a diary of my art experiments/projects; a visual record of what I am watching, reading, seeing, thinking. It's called ALL OF ME because I want to record all my experiences - mainly arty, but you'll occasionally read about family stuff too. Hopefully it will help make me more productive, and it will be fun to look back on. New challenges of creativity too.
My banner looked like this in 2012 : 
My blog's been everything I hoped. It's made me more productive - it's fantastic to have a diary of my projects where the steps of my process are linked together with my thoughts, my methods, my progress photos - it's helped me think about why I create and I've worked through issues of whether and why I should keep blogging - it's helped me think about how I can find time to create and to be kinder to myself about how much I get done. It IS really fun to see the path of my creative journey. 
This is post 762! Sometimes (usually in the middle of winter!) I wonder whether I will keep going, but I tried giving it up once (May 2014) and that didn't even last a full 2 months until July when I realised that there was too much about it that I missed. So now I try to be not so hard on myself and be happy that I post at least once a week - that means I'm creating regularly and that's the aim :-)
If it wasn't for my blog, I probably wouldn't have a Flickr account (I like looking at my work grouped in categories this way)
and I don't think I would have had the opportunities to teach and talk to groups that have come my way. It's fabulous to connect with like-minded people and when I check on the stats, I sure get plenty of visits to my blog and that makes me happy. 
I thought I'd share my 6 favourite projects with you but it was so tough to choose! So I just decided to share the top 6 things that enable me to blog
I ♥ my studio space
I ♥ my art supplies : that's a link to a post in 2013. I still love those things but have the new sewing machine now :-) - find out where I shop HERE.
I ♥ art journaling and book making
I ♥ making quilts - this is my latest in progress on the design wall
I ♥ sprays and stencils
I ♥ being a part-time librarian. I love reading and sharing good Fiction and Arty books and I like helping people and organising things into categories....
Check out all my Labels in that right hand column that make it easier (I hope) for you to find your way around here :-) 
I ♥ my blog. Thank you for checking in with me. I'd love to know - which projects are your favourites?


  1. So we both started blogging in the month of July - only 4 years apart! I'm glad you didn't give it up in 2014, otherwise we would have never met. I can tell you've been pretty consistent throughout the years. It's lovely to get a glimpse of your creative space and your bookshelves. The line up of your handmade journals looks wonderful! Happy bloggiversary - may there be lot more to come!

  2. Happy Blogversury!!!!!! I am so glad you kept blogging. I really love coming to your blog in my sporadic way. I wish I was a more consistent blogger, but it is what it is. I keep coming back when I can. You have shown much more fortitude than I. I think it is so wonderful to know another librarian art journaler. The fact that you are on the opposite side of the world is marvelous!

    Your diversity of creative projects is inspiring and so very enjoyable to read.

    I hope you will keep on posting.

  3. Your whole blog is my favourite!


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