Wednesday, April 27, 2016

DLP (Add a Face) and daily journaling

This spread has been a roller coaster of emotions. We had a sad start to our holiday time with a funeral to attend last week - made this card for the family
And a day later news of the sudden death of a friend's mother
I'm also starting menopause - a Transformation ....this is not what I expected of my one little word for 2016! I'm a bit thrown by some of the symptoms which I hadn't known to expect - insomnia being one. Thank goodness for a good book to distract me in the wee hours of the morning 
What I love about art is that I know it will be waiting for me when I am ready to throw myself back in whole heartedly, and while I'm not "my usual", I can look at what you're doing, and still find inspiration to do a bit - that helps...You saw a couple of my page starters in my previous post
I struggled with an art journal page and finally finished it last Thursday - I added a stencil here in my daily journal that I'd used successfully to help complete that page
I felt less blocked after that, and was able to go on and complete the cards you saw HERE and then started quilting again....
You've seen this quilt in various stages since I started it in January last year - click HERE for more of that. Last seen in January this year when I started anchoring it with in-the-ditch straight lines, it got put aside again during Term 1 and I'm now onto the fun free-motion part and wanting to get it completed to show at our club's annual Tote & Gloat show next month.
I'm thrilled that I'm back doing this...hoping you'll see more quilts from me after this one is finished. Back to my daily journal - I love using under paper : paper used to catch excess paint/printing from other projects. This is one of my favourite ways of adding colour to a spread or covering up things in my background 
A couple of weeks ago, the DLP prompt was about faces (see their sneak peeks HERE). My first inspiration was from Lorraine Bell who put colour on a card first and then added a face. I went even more random by grabbing some cardstock that already had colour and stamping on it.
I like how she turned out
Monday was ANZAC day and I wanted to include a simple poppy. One of the joys of working in an old book is the discovery of appropriate words in your background - I masked the surrounding page and put a bit of masking tape over the words
Unfortunately the tape peeled off one of the words as well...I just replaced it with one from a an old dictionary. And here's the completed spread
Lots captured there. Click on any photo to see it larger, and you can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.
Not sure when I'll see you next - I'm really wanting to get that quilting done...hope you are fitting creative joy into your week :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the sad events in your life, Lynette - now I understand why you were feeling down last week. I have yet to start my menopause, but if insomnia is one of the effects, then I may have had it going on for years without realizing! Glad to see you've managed to keep busy throughout all this. I haven't created much for the past week, though I've been playing with my photos. Just waiting for inspiration to strike! Hope you have a good weekend and you can get some quality sleep.


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